Mathematics students from MIM UW win European ECMI competition | Science in Poland

Mathematics students from MIM UW win European ECMI competition

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Students from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw have won the mathematics applications competition organized by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI).

The members of the student team that took part were : Jacek Zgud, Kajetan Fornalik, Paweł Rosłoniec and Tomasz Sibicki.

The students had two months to develop decision-making models based on data on the transports carried out by the company, the University of Warsaw reports.

The competition brings together European universities and companies. Its main mission is to promote and educate in the field of mathematics applications in industry, finance and other sectors of the economy.

The winning team participates in the seminar 'Applied mathematics' taught by Professor Piotr Krzyżanowski and Dr. Piotr Kowalczyk from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics. During the seminar, students use mathematical methods in problems that they may actually encounter with their future employers.

The winning team received EUR 1,000 and an invitation to present the results of their work at ECMI Modelling Week 2023, which took place in June in Szeged, Hungary.

Find our more on the competition organizer's website. (PAP)

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